Sunday, October 2, 2011

Oh plans!

Okay, porn and WoW are not the only things I wan't to do in my life. Since i was 14 i have been quite active with putting together shows and dealing with bands with a group consisting of friends and even family, and i have planned to continue to do so even though i don't live in the same time anymore or am able to work with the same people So the problem have been that i don't have anyone to work with because putting together shows is actually quite hard and time consuming. Now I've finally found someone that can really help me make this happen! He's from my old town and have even worked alongside my very own mother. My mother was also the "boss" over the group I used to work with so if my mum says that this guy is worth working with I belive her. He is far more experienced than I am and got quite pissed off at me because I haven't pushed him so much into making a decision if he's gonna help me or not. We met about a month ago and discussed what my goals are right now with the shows and everything and seemed kind of interested into joining me. After our meeting he told me he'd talk to me after a couple of days and tell me his descision. But he never did, until tonight. He simply said he wasn't interested to join in and help me because I didn't push him to tell me his descision. That actually made me quite angry. I had of respect not pushed him because who knows, he maybe would have a lot of other things going on in his life at that moment and i don't want to come off as a pushy bitch... And in fact he actually said that HE would talk to me when he had made his mind up. But apperently after a long chat on facebook he decided that i had proved to him that i really wanted to do this so it's on! We will have a meeting on monday and start to work things through and plan for future shows! This feels great because I really miss the whole planning thing before shows and making it happen. However I'm not quite pleased that he did the probably played a mind game on me. Well, I'll se how it goes after our meeting on monday.

Today's raid sucked and I'm really dissapointed at my guild... We didn't even get any bosses down on heroic difficulty and yeah.. I found out that I'm not the weakest link out of the 10 of us, actually I'm probably one of the better players. Well well, what does that matter if you still have a lot of people who isn't focused.

Good night all, hope you could read my whole wall of text made of my crappy english :D gonna give you a picture of my main character Kittylicious the hunter and her homeboy Ragnaros!

Just chillin'

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